Monday, March 11, 2019

Link to Key Assignment on BlendSpace


  1. Hi Terin, I really enjoyed your video and have been really interested in your problem of practice throughout the course. I think it applies to all of us, even those who are able to grade for formative assessments, because it explores the concept of motivation.

    Interesting data in video that 80% used to do homework when it was graded. Perhaps you could do a survey to the 35% that do complete homework and try to explore what motivates them?

    Also you could show this data to students at start of the year but then show another tier of data for how well that 35% that do the work and the 40% that do no work perform on final assessments.

    I really like your idea of ASSISTments and think that it will help those shy students who do not feel comfortable asking for help.

    Your initial results using ASSISTments is excellent. I think students like doing multiple assignment formats from their mobile devices, especially if they get instant feedback.

    Can you think about ways to expand the success you have found with this format? Maybe with other systems that could compliment ASSISTments? For example, you could also look into a program called Socrative. It is very similar but you monitor it live in class. You could use this for daily warm ups and choose the two most important or missed questions from the homework the night before. I find that students really enjoy using it and they will participate in a discussion about the warm up even if they get it wrong. It shows not only the correct answer, but an explanation as well so they usually understand it by the end of the warm up and are eager to engage as a class.

    1. Hi Erin,
      Thanks for the feedback! I can monitor student work live through ASSISTments as well. It also lets students know how they are doing as they work through problems. I am adding this into my final Ignite video.
      ~ Terin

  2. Hi Terin,
    I appreciate your paper very much. I do agree that sometimes we have to find other ways for students to finish or do their homework. I have not heard of a flipped classroom and glad your school is supportive of you trying this method. For your final would you consider going more in depth by asking students what they thought about the homework and the instant feedback

    1. Maria,
      Thanks for the response! I think asking for student feedback on the implementation is an important step going forward. Thanks for the idea!
      ~ Terin

  3. I like some of the strategies you have used. HW is always a tough topic, because at times even I feel like it is just busy work for the students, and meaningless grading for me. I love the quote you found "Don't eliminate HW, make it effective." That is exactly what more teachers need to be doing (myself included at times). If the students can see the benefit then they will be more interested in completing each assignment.

    1. Craig,
      Thanks for your comments. Making homework interesting to teenagers seems to be an uphill battle! Particularly when they are in a course that is required for graduation rather than one they are taking because they are interested in the topic. Hopefully, by switching up the method for homework delivery/completion, I can engage more students!
      ~ Terin
